Robert Neal

(Lion 71): "Inbound"
(Lion 71): "Inbound"
(Lion 71): "Inbound"
(Latch 41): "Good nose position, Havoc"
(Havoc): "Lion One cleared hot on SPA"
(Lion 71): "Cleared hot" (F-18 altitude warning sounds)
(Havoc): "Abort, Abort, Abort!"
(Latch 41): "Abort" (F-18 altitude warning ceases)
(Latch 41): "Havoc ... Havoc, Latch"
(Latch 41): "Havoc, Latch"
(Lion 71): "No way"
(Havoc): "Hey this is, this is Havoc two-zero. Need immediate Medevac at O-P 10. Bombs was dropped on our position. Medevac at O-P 10 immediately!"
I grew up in a good home. I was a good kid. I had no good options. Be all you can be. A real American Hero. Uncle Sam’s son. A lean, mean, fighting machine. A steely-eyed killer. Borne of blood and steel.
I became a dangerous man. I went to dangerous places. I slept next to killers. I woke next to killers. Unenlightened to the ways of pity. They called me a “subject matter expert”.
That Day...
Changed. Everything.
3 bombs dropped like the gentle rains of heaven, giving meaning to the true quality of mercy.