blue light selects:
natalian segovia ‘libre’

Exhibition & panel discussion
Exhibition Dates & Location:
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Bell Library 1st Floor Main Gallery
Aug 20th, 2021 - Sept 20th, 2021
Remote Panel Discussion and Closing Reception:
Panel Discussion: September 20th, 2pm: Zoom / Facebook Live
Closing Reception: September 20th at 6pm in the Bell Library Main Gallery, TAMUCC, 6300 Ocean Drive.
In conjunction with Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi’s Hispanic Heritage Month and Queering the Island programing, Assistant Professor of Photography and Founding Director of Blue Light Contemporary Jennifer Garza-Cuen, will host a remote panel discussion responding to Natalian Segovia’s work ‘Libre’ and its use of varying methodologies to explore themes of identity, intimacy, repression, and male desire.
Segovia was born and raised in South Texas, where he continues to live in a conservative, Christian, Latinx community. Selected from a broader, on-going series this work uses a variety of photographic strategies including documentation, engagement with the archive, allegory, and tableau. It references tropes of self-portraiture, domesticity, performance, and American mythology to imagine a space in which the contradictions and complexities of his identity are free to reside.
‘Libre’ was juried by Blue Light Founding Director and Assistant Professor of Photography Jennifer Garza-Cuen and Blue Light Curatorial Advisor, Director of University Galleries and Associate Professor of Art History Dr. Laura Petican.
Amanda Marquez (Professional Assistant Professor of First-Year Seminar Department of Interdisciplinary Studies)
Dr. Jarred Wiehe (Assistant Professor, English Department, Co-Coordinator of the Women's, Genders, and Sexualities Minor)
Dr. Sarah Salter (Assistant Professor of English)
Dr. Catherine “Cate” Rudowsky (Dean of Libraries)
Artist Biography:
Natalian Segovia is as unique and ever-changing as the brooches he wears. Currently studying to receive his Bachelor of Fine Arts in photography, his influences range from classic Hollywood portraiture to contemporary fine art and fashion. ‘Vivir y Conquistar’ is the motto he strives to live by as he pursues his passion for photography and ventures into uncharted territory in his work.