Izzy Sneed
Pretty (All I’ve Learned)

Hi, I'm Izzy. Real name Elizabeth, but I'm Izzy (not to be confused with Lizzy). I hate Lizzy🙅. I like purple cause pink is for girly girls. My brothers approve of this. I have four. 3 older. My friends have crushes on Lucas and Trever, but they've already got girlfriends. Plus, they're my brothers! 🤢😱EW! My younger brother, Keenan, follows me around a lot, but I guess that’s okay. I have a mom and dad named Susan and Kenny. Mom spends a lot of time in her room. Sometimes she dances to her record player. Dad works with jet fuel. He smells like oil and gas. He farts a lot. He can throw them—weird right? We're moving next week—AGAIN! 🙄 Anyway, I guess that’s all you need to know. BYE! ✌🏼
Website: www.izzysneed.com