Hannah Stephens
Searching for a Home in the Unknown

The girl grew up sheltered, taught one truth, the truth as her parent’s saw it. A truth that was not to be questioned or challenged. Slowly the child’s wonder was converted by the fury of a southern Baptist preacher shouting passages from the Great Book until his face turned red beneath his cowboy hat. And the crowd shouted “AMEN” and “HALL-LE-LUuJAH” while they applauded, moved by the spirit, consumed with passion. “The Bi-ye-Bl’ is the book of Truth! Rejecting it will surely send you straight to Hell. Ya’ll Sinners BEWARE. Only those who REPENT and cleanse their soul from all wicked desires will be saved!”
Somehow that girl never really bought into his religious sales pitch. She started to investigate. She collected evidence, recorded encounters, all in search for her real home, for her real family. Each day she puts on her true identity in search of answers, with the full knowledge that it is a desperate call into the unknown. And that she may be forever awaiting an answer.
Bio: An alarm goes off precisely at 6:30AM every weekday. The young girl grumpily drags her self out of bed rubbing her tired eyes as she starts the day. After arriving at school by 7:30AM, and with the long day ahead of her, she wonders what adventure awaits at 3PM when she is released from this jailhouse of a school. Throughout the day a frustrated teacher shouts at her to stop daydreaming and to pay attention to the lesson, “It’s your turn to read a passage from Matthew, do you know where we left off?” Of course she didn’t. That was a typical school week for the girl. Then finally a long awaited day of freedom, full of climbing trees, hide and seek, and superheroes. Followed by the most dreaded day of the week. Sunday. Her mother would pick out a frilly, and incredibly itchy dress, with painfully matching shoes for her to wear without a choice. If she was lucky she could attend children’s group. Unfortunately, she soon aged out, and could not avoid the main service any longer. And so she sat there doing her best to avoid eye contact with the preacher while he was shouting at her. Convincing her of certain death, unless she followed his teachings and repented. She wondered why her dad had ever joined the military. Was this what it was like? There has to be another option. Another way of life. And so her investigation began.